Why do you write content? Is it to keep your readers interested and engaged? Or to impress search engines with the volume of your website’s content? No matter what you hope to accomplish, you can only achieve your goals if you know exactly what they are and how to tell if you’re succeeding or failing to reach them. This article discusses the essentials you need in your content guidelines so that writers understand what they must do, and so that readers know what they can expect when they click on links from your site.
#1 – Keyword Research
Identify a primary and secondary keyword for each piece of content you’re creating. The main idea of your content should be incorporated into these keywords to ensure high SERP rankings. This is also a great opportunity to promote backlinks from other websites through interlinking your content. When writing, don’t forget to include an H1 title tag that includes your business name and keyword!
#2 – Link Acquisition
Links are backlinks from other websites to your website. Search engines view links as a vote for that website’s authority. They treat them as votes in their PageRank algorithm and use them to determine search engine rankings.
#3 – Metadata
I probably shouldn’t have to tell you how important SEO is for your website’s traffic and page rank, but just in case, I will. You need your writers to include a few standard keywords, like SEO Company Ventura or SEO Company Ventura County. Ensure that their on-page optimization (optimization of content for search engines) meets or exceeds Google’s standards.
#4 – Naming Conventions
The Most Crucial Part of On-Page Optimization – Naming conventions are perhaps one of the most critical elements of a website. Proper naming conventions will ensure that your content can be found by search engines for years to come. The trick is that you have to consider both human readability and search engine optimization (SEO) when creating names for your website’s pages, posts, categories, tags, etc.
#5 – Image Requirements
When writing your posts, be sure to use at least one image. This can be as simple as using a photo from Flickr or a creative commons licensed photo that is attributed to Creative Commons. Just because you’re not sharing revenue doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have an eye on search engine optimization (SEO). While many people often think of keyword density when they consider their SEO strategy, it is also important to ensure that your content looks friendly and user-friendly.
#6 – Distribution & Curation Guidelines
Search engine optimization (SEO) is an important part of your content marketing strategy, but there’s a difference between having content that ranks well and having high-quality content. With regards to creating great content, here are some must-haves for your distribution and curation guidelines. #1 – Include A Link Back To The Original Source: When you share someone else’s content on social media or link to it in an email newsletter, be sure to include a link back to their site. This will not only help them gain traffic from your post, but it will also give them credit for their work—which can help boost their search rankings. It’s easy to forget about including a link when you get caught up in sharing something cool, so make sure your writers know that links are important! #2 – Don’t Forget The Image: Adding an image is one of the easiest ways to increase engagement with any piece of content. It’s also really simple to do if you use Google Drive as your CMS platform; just create an image using Google Drawings and insert it into your post.
#7 – Publishing Schedule
We realize you can’t be on your computer 24/7, but we do expect that when it’s time to publish, you’ll be there. We want to know what days and times you prefer for publishing so we can plan accordingly. If you are available every day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., let us know that in your guidelines! This way, if our writers have an idea at 1 p.m., they know they can send it over without worrying about whether or not you’re online. Also make sure to include how quickly you need articles back after sending them off—is it two hours? Three days? A week?
#8 – Branding Elements & Repurposing
This means that, if you’re a retailer (or any business really), certain aspects of your content will be evergreen and can be repurposed over time. Every once in a while, go back through your content guidelines to see what aspects are evergreen and that you can use again. Once you find these topics, add them to your editorial calendar so they’re included as a permanent fixture in future content rounds.