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content marketing in 2015

Best Practices for Content Marketing in 2015

Are you looking to jumpstart your content marketing initiatives in 2015? Some time back there was a ‘content explosion’ that was mostly carried out by amateur writers working with SEO companies in LA . With the help of  massive available content SEO professionals made money through online advertisements. Although the content wasn’t quality, it did manage to work its way out through Google’s rankings.

Additional Reading: 10 Tips and Tricks For Planning And Creating Content

As a digital marketing professional if you want to get indexed higher on the popular search engines you might have to get back to content marketing basics and work on following aspects this year-

  1. Unique Storeytelling

    The content that is being created must be unique and not listed anywhere else on the World Wide Web. Search Engine Optimization algorithms are capable of finding copies of the duplicated text on the Internet and may not help you reach at the top of search engine results. The content should also be engaging and tell a story people want to listen to.

  2. Relevant content

    Content Relevancy is also of great importance for better visibility on the Internet. One should focus on creating links at high authority sites within the same niche where your website belongs. Link building using non-relevant source may not fetch the results as you would expect.

  3. PR sites

    One should focus on building links with high quality PR sites as it may provide you a higher listing on the search engine indices. You can further choose to build links on recognized website, such as educational institutions like Universities and Schools (with .edu domain).

  4. Popular social networks to Add Human touch
    Popular Social Networks

    You will have to make optimum use of known social networks such as ‘Facebook’ and ‘LinkedIn’ and further use services like ‘Postplanner’ to schedule updates. Going ahead, you can set up microblogging posts using ‘twitter cards’ to gain maximum engagement. In case your website hosts any images; you can make those images ‘Pinterest’ friendly by using services like ‘Canva.’ You can further make use of portals such as ‘’ to automatically share the content on various social channels.

    To humanize your online brand, you will need to leverage on high involvement platforms such as ‘Wordpress’ and ‘Tumbler’ to share original content and build a link to the website. Further, you can be part of the web based community, such as ‘Scoop. it!’, and make sure to share the content once again after some time.

  5. Analytics to reach out to the right Demographics

    SEO companies in LA can further make use of ‘Kissmetrics’ analytics to monitor demographics and search engine results. Also, portals providing blog intelligence services like ‘Grouphigh’ can be used along with tools called ‘Buzzstream’ for researching links prospects.

    That said, as of today the real emphasis on Search engine optimization (SEO) practices is to create quality content for the web.

  6. Visual Content
    Content Marketing

    A pixel speaks a thousand words. Use of images, YouTube videos, whiteboard animation and Infographics to communicate an idea  and keeping the written content as brief as possible is the latest trend in content marketing.

  7. Brand Authority

    In future a product brand could be synonymous to the website itself (provided the website gets ranked high enough in the search engine.) Appropriate ‘keywords’ would redirect Internet users to the website irrespective of link building efforts and keywords listed on the website; making search process a lot more organic. That said, as per these patents such ‘brand mentions’ are going to be the future of Search Engine Optimization.

Naturally content marketing has entered the new era of Internet visibility where ‘Brands’ will talk for itself!