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Affordable SEO and the Impact of the Penguin Update

The recent updates that Google has made have thrown the majority of SEO’s into a tail spin. Especially the ones that were performing Black Hat techniques for their clients. At SeoTuners, we never put a clients site at risk, and only perform the most ethical white hat techniques.

Google Search is one of the most traditional and advanced search engines in the world. Everyday billions of people are accessing Google search engine to gather information. This increases the importance of updating the search engine periodically. Panda and Penguin are the latest updates of Google search engine. Basically, they are algorithms implemented in the functioning of the search index of Google to detect spam websites or website with poor content and ban them and rank the legit websites properly. These updates have solved every problem that arises due to the illegal SEO techniques like duplicate content, web spam effectively.

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Source: Squidoo