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Google Penguin Update Recovery Tips & Advice

The importance of Penguin recovery service is becoming clearer to most online marketers and brand professionals. However, there are still quite a few people with questions who are apparently confused by the whole process. Here are a few quick points and tips that can help to clear up some of that confusion.

What in the World is Penguin?

Google Penguin was designed to modify the search engine results pages, punishing pages that have been using Google to distribute spam and bad quality links. Having Penguin enforced allows users to benefit from a drastically reduced amount of “cloaking” and “keyword stuffing” in the world of web content.

How Can I Recover from Penalties?

If your website has been penalized or punished by Google Penguin for one offense or another, this does not necessarily mean that it Is the end of the road for you. The first step that you should take is to get rid of all signs of spam that may exist within your site. Keep in mind that it was likely the spam activity that led to you considering Penguin recovery service in the first place, which is why it is the first target that you want to eliminate from your online presence.

What Happened with the Parked Domains Error?

For a substantial period of time, Google incorrectly classified a substantial number of websites – causing them to lose a considerable amount of traffic as a result. The issue was resolved in a relatively short period of time, but the overall lapse and discontinuity was seen and noticed firsthand by consumers and critics alike.

Is There a Way to Avoid Google Penguin?

A short yet simple answer to this question is a resounding “no.” Keep in mind that organic exposure occurs within search engines – especially Google. Therefore, if you are serious about boosting your traffic and increasing the bottom-line revenue of your business or brand, then it would be in your best interest to work within the boundaries of expectations established by Google. Trying to fight against it or do something differently could very well end badly for you and your online presence.