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How To Recover From Penguin Update

Although you must be scouring the online microcosm for a proficient internet advertising company to help fix and fish you out of the Penguin panic, it pays to enlighten yourself on the ways to recover from the update as well.

With Google hurling its latest algorithmic animal Penguin last April, oodles of websites and online business owners became the butt of the pernicious blow it inflicted and many are still looking for ways to escape from it.

Moreover, do not think the Penguin will be sitting for days after being flung. Remember, the algorithm is completely alive and utilizes a whole new cauldron of technology to stop websites from spamming. If you too have been the victim of the no-so-sweet Penguin’s sinister sting, here are some ways to recoup from it.

google penguine update

Build Only Links of Value

In short, do away with the unnecessary links; keep the ones that add value to your content or website only. Gone are the days when the SEO business was all about littering your website with as many links as you can grab without paying attention to quality. Link building methods like social bookmarking, advertorials and mass submissions in directories have tarnished the online cosmos and Google surely detests them, authorizing only a few. So it is time to undergo a thorough analysis of your backlink profile, bring them all in one spreadsheet and siphon any links which are or appear detrimental to your site.

This is to say check links such as sponsored posts, paid ones, those from irrelevant and de-indexed sites and directory submissions and pull out those which do not add any value to a user. You can take the help of Google’s Disavow Tool which endows a second chance on you to “disavow” or weasel out those sites which you might have created in haste in the past.

Embark on a New Link-building Endeavor

Once you have removed the unnatural links, you require attempting at strong natural inbound links with high diversity in link, anchor text and domain and with plethora of social signals. Penguin approves anchors comprising naked URLs, hybrid-branded ones like those of Social Media News, Branded and Universal Anchors. Check online for all sorts of innovative and creative natural link-building resources which can help you overhaul your links in accordance with your business.

Emphasize on Good Content

As you must have heard all those tech gurus and SEO geeks around you talking about good onsite content, it is a fact that quality content forms the very basis of good links making customers crawl to your website. Quality content means having useful, informative and interesting blog posts and intriguing

data analysis that intrigues readers to read them and add potential value to your links. If you run a business which is boring make it appealing to your customers by sprucing up your content with videos, images on Pintarest along with influential press releases to broadcast your latest development.

Obtain Social Signaling

SEO, Digital and Search Marketing all hanker after being social. Grab the opportunity to create and establish relevant and interesting pages on Social Networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Linkedin. Those in the online shopping genre can go for Pintarest. Once you have pages established on these sites, be sure to add posts regularly without fail and share any development or promotional offers that you might be having.

At the end of the day if you feel Penguin busted you unnecessarily for no spamming fault utilize the Penguin Feedback Form explaining that you adhere to quality by giving examples. And if it appears too herculean a job to you, entrust the responsibility of recovering your website on SeoTuners, an internet advertising company of repute.