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The Most Important Google Stats and Facts to Know For SEO

The internet is an essential part of today’s society and can make or break a business. Knowing Google’s importance in relation to search engine optimization creates a foundation for why we seek to optimize search results in the first place. This list is a culmination of google facts and statistics that relate directly to SEO:

Google Now Processes Over 6,586,013,574 Search Queries a Day Worldwide

With that amount of search queries daily, it’s no wonder that search engine optimization through google should be a main focus for anyone looking to optimize. Optimizing key word phrases allows your search queries to reach a target audience. With over 6.5 billion queries a day, it’s important to make sure that you keep that Google statistic in mind.

15% of Daily Google Search Queries Have Never Been Searched Before

This statistic is relevant to keyword phrases. Many of the keywords used in specific searches have never been used before which proposes an apparent importance on innovation when it comes the choosing keyword phrases. This statistic also puts an importance on anticipating keywords for search queries and thinking outside the box when it comes to creating keyword search phrases.

Google Makes Up 32.4% of Total Mobile Ad Expenditure

SEO specialists know this statistic because this number will most likely continue to grow. This means that if your SEO is on the basis of optimizing a business venture, keeping in mind that Google is a primary source of business is important.

97% of Google Revenue is From Advertising

The language of marketing is important, especially in regard to advertising through google. Google makes most of their revenue from advertising, meaning that buying ad space through Google and optimizing your word choice through ads is important for individuals looking for better SEO.

YouTube Was Acquired by Google in 2006 and Has 1.8 Billion Active Monthly Users

Anyone looking to for the best SEO should always keep YouTube in mind. YouTube is yet another hand of Google that extends into the SEO world. Google prioritizes video content because of their ownership of YouTube.

YouTube has 500 million Mobile Views Per Day

Again, keeping YouTube searches in mind for SEO it’s always important. With 500 million mobile views a day, extending search engine optimization through YouTube is important.

Google Takes Over 200 Factors Into Account Before Delivering the Best Result to Any Query in a Fraction of a Second

This reestablishes the importance of exact keyword phrasing. When keywords are being accounted for in a fraction of a second, knowing any and all exact keywords for a desired product, service, or search is important. SEO specialists understand this importance and are able to design maximized key word phrases.

There Are Over 2 billion Active Monthly Android Users

SEO for Android devices is as relevant as any other device, as the amount of Android users is on the rise globally.

Google Knows More Than 100 Languages

Optimizing through multiple languages may allow for better SEO results, although Google already translates searches through software.

Google Doesn’t Apply Any Grammatical Rules

Optimizing keyword searches may be increased if common grammatical errors are taken into account.

69% of US Google Users Rely on Google’s Services and Products on a Daily Basis

Daily updates to SEO are important since the amount of daily Google users is at large and on the rise in the US alone.

There are More Than 100 Researchers at Google Working on Machine Intelligence Applications

Intelligence applications will allow for a greater expanse of SEO optimization. Knowing new intelligence applications will keep you ahead of the game when it comes to SEO.

Google has 90.46% of the Search Engine Market Share Worldwide

Optimizing SEO efforts with Google as a sole proprietor is important, however, it is also important to recognize secondary search engines as well.

Google Receives Over 63,000 Searches Per Second Daily

With this amount of searches, SEO efforts must be maximized to meet demands. If a target audience is to be reached, maximizing your SEO efforts in respect to Google statistics such at this will help you meet your goals.

An Average Person Conducts 3-4 searches Every Single Day

If you take into account that the current world population is roughly 8 billion, and the understanding that almost half the population has access to the internet, this statistic proves the importance of optimizing SEO efforts.

Why These Facts are Important

These facts and statistics are undeniably important to understand for anyone looking to become an SEO specialist, learn about SEO in general, or find outsourced skilled SEO professionals. Knowing the volume and frequency of google searches creates a better understanding of the importance of SEO, and more specific keyword phrases. With the knowledge of the vastness of the population that use Google daily, the relevance of optimization is further developed.

With these statistics and facts in mind, a greater understanding of the importance of search engine optimization is created. Google Analytics, one of the most primary tools for SEO specialists today, is based off of the previous information provided. Taking that into account, knowing these facts and statistics provides a greater understanding and appreciation for Google when it comes to search engine optimization.

Moving Forward

When looking to optimize search engine efforts, keeping in mind the ever-growing statistics that Google generates will allow you to be a better SEO specialist or outsource better SEO specialists. Throughout 2019, advertising and publishing through an online platform has become one of the most prominent forms of display of information for the general public.

If you think you may be looking to outsource for your SEO needs, our specialists at SEOTuners can help you. Our skilled professionals are available to meet all of your SEO needs with a primary focus being the success of your presence in the market. We provide personalized attention through individualized analysis, a creative and innovative approach to every web design project, as well as improvement to your social attention and impact. Get in contact with us today!