Category Archives: Content

How to Come up with a Champion Content Strategy by Merging GA4 with a Business Intelligence (BI) Tool

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In October 2020, Google Analytics 4 (GA4) got its formal debut. Due to the 2021 privacy enhancements and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), it has become difficult to track using cookies. Thankfully GA4 has helped fill this gap using machine learning. In addition, GA4 combines application interactions and websites initiated by the same to help you make better marketing decisions.

If you are using User Agent (UA), your website data can be viewed from the moment you start, but after fourteen months, GA4’s data expires, and the amount of information you store is cut by seventy-five percent.

Know your business and set goals

Before interacting with your audience, you should know:

  • The content you should create.
  • The topics to discuss.
  • Your industry of specialization.
  • What makes you unique?

It is important to create content that will position you as an expert. Data insights and GA4 drive accuracy; if you take time to study traffic patterns and look for trends of previous success, you can easily identify the topics that will lead to future success.

Identify your audience and positioning

The moment you know what makes you different, you can study your audience. Address them directly in the content you create, analyze the audience engagement, and ensure your approach keeps them engaged. You should also get to know what they like, dislike, and their interests.

Research and pick keywords 

Using keyword research will help you find the keywords you are ranking for and those you should be striving to rank for. The first step is looking at the search console performance reports. This will help you identify the pages you are ranking with and the keywords you rank for.

Sneaking around our competitors is not a bad idea either because it will help you discover the keywords you want to rank for. Keyword tools such as Moz and Ahrefs can be quite useful. When you have your keywords in place, develop a keyword cluster for the winning edge you need in competitive verticals.

Create authority through content 

It is irrefutable that content brings authority, but clarity comes first. You should define the formats of your content, for example, blogs, videos, or eBooks, and make a decision on how comprehensively you want to cover each one. Creating great content correlates directly to authority and recognition in your industry of expertise.

Be consistent at content creation and publishing. 

A study done by Hubspot on 7000 businesses discovered that companies that have over 1000 web pages receive 9.5 times more traffic than those with less than 50 pages. In order to build results that you can always go back to and study, you must be consistent at publishing great content.

Keeping the strategy with post-publishing promotion and calendar 

To keep your strategy in place, you must have a budget and an agreement with the other parties involved. Affordable SEO service uses a calendar to develop topics regularly that bring in leads. However, if you do not have a proper promotion strategy in place, this will all be useless. GA4 and other BI tools help you gain insight through monitoring and tracking of content performance.

Connect GA4 and other tools to a BI tool and data warehouse

Content results are usually visible after 12 to 18 months. Data warehouses help to analyze extensive historical data, integrate data, ensure data stability and provide subject-oriented analysis.

There is no one specific tool that will give you all the insight and data you need; you have to add Google Analytics with other marketing tools, your own database, socials, and CRM.

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SeoTuner’s Jeremiah Weilert Is named “The Google Wrangler” by Swagger Magazine

On May 10th, Swagger Magazine released a feature on our co-founder Jeremiah Weilert, referring to him as a self-made man stocked with “gumption and go-getter-ism”. And to think it all started with going door-to-door in second grade to sell polished rocks (which he made a $20 profit off of)! Continue reading

Google Advanced Search Operators for Competitive Content Research

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The elation of completing a competitive keyword research plan often paves the way to the fear of losing a lot of opportunities. You need to have more than a list of keywords and knowledge of what your competitors are doing by sourcing affordable website SEO services. What will put you in an advantageous position is to know the content that is ranking high and how you are doing on that ladder.

Google search operators are special commands that refine your search capabilities. They boost productivity and help marketers optimize their campaigns. In addition, they give you a glimpse into your competitors’ sites so you can come up with greater ideas. By using Google search operators, you can be able to:

Find a competitors’ content

As a marketer, one thing you will always aspire to is to get featured on high-traffic sites. Google search operators can help you discover sites in your industry that accept guest posts.

Saving you time that you would have wasted searching for the site yourself, and this will help you easily locate a site that your competitors are using to rank highly. The exact formula you can use to search for your competitors’ sites is typing in the search bar the “name of the competitor’ is” – my competitors and Google will show you where your competitor’s author bio is listed apart from their own websites.

For example, “Sharon Stone is” – Google will then proceed to list for you all the sites that Sharon has been mentioned in apart from her own website.

Get better writers by using site

Writers have become a critical component of content making. It has therefore become crucial to find good writers who will help you market your content properly. Search operators can help you find them. If you want to write an article, it is easy to find a writer by doing a simple site search on the publication topic of your interest and choosing one of the many writers who will be listed.

Find your content gaps

To be able to keep up with your competitors or even get better than them, you might need to know what you are missing in terms of content. Let’s say, is your competitor, and you are aware that they write a lot of content on books, but you are also keen to know what else they write about without having to go through their whole site.

By typing in your Google search bar, you will see all the other topics apart from books that writes about. Through this information, you will be able to write content that seems to give your competitors a higher ranking.

These few tips are shared to help you make smart decisions about your content. Search operators are useful in helping locate information quickly. By looking through your competitors’ sites, you can tweak and come up with better content that will give you an advantage and let you stand out from your competitors. Better content means more traffic to your website.

Ten Tactics to Efficiently Manipulate Google Analytics Data

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Did you know it is possible to permanently or temporarily manipulate Google Analytics data? If you do not have the correct expertise or know-how, affordable SEO packages can help to boost the traffic to your site.

A lot of people and organizations do not have the knowledge needed to modify Google Analytics data. But learning how to do this can be very powerful to procure stellar business insights. There are two proven methods to manipulate data; temporary and permanent methods.


Permanent Google Analytics manipulation

Being able to permanently manipulate the data collected and shown on Google Analytics can be extremely powerful, but it also comes with several risks.


Here are some tips to permanently manipulate Google Analytics data:


Data import

Data import allows you to join your offline business systems data and the online data collected by Google Analytics. It is instrumental because it helps you organize, analyze, and act on this data set in ways that are more aligned to your unique and specific business needs.


There is a variety of data that you can upload to Google Analytics:


  1. Hit data
  2. Extended data – this can be user, content, product, geographical, or custom data.
  3. Summary data


Google Analytics filter

This strategy is ideal if you want to manipulate data in a report view. You can productively use Google Analytics filters to:


  1. Help collect data on your primary target.
  2. Remove third-party and employee IP addresses from your information.
  3. Excluded once all technical query parameters
  4. Setting up a separate test view in Google Analytics is critical if experimenting with filters to avoid completely ruining your Google Analytics.


Google Tag Manager

Implementing the Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a more practical approach to manipulating and tracking data collected through all the available options in GTM.


Temporary Google Analytics manipulation

You can temporarily modify your Google Analytics data in several ways. It is usually advantageous because you get better insights when you receive different views of your data.


Here are some tips to temporarily manipulate Google Analytics:


Report filters

Report filters fall into two categories: standard and advanced.

A standard report filter allows you to filter the first dimension of your report, which can be limiting at times. On the upside, it is straightforward to work with.


On the other hand, an advanced report filter allows you to add multiple selections for the reports you are looking at. In addition, it allows you to further drill down on the Google Analytics data that you would like to review.



Segments are probably the most excellent features you can find on Google Analytics. They allow you to manipulate ad-hoc and retroactive data in very effective ways. Since Google Analytics allows you to compare data for different audiences, applying a segment is a very strategic check that every marketer and analyst should know.


Hopefully, the tips above have given you better insight into how you can manipulate your Google Analytics data. However, it would help if you exercise caution when permanently modifying your Google Analytics data or, to be on the safe side, use affordable SEO packages from a reputable company to avoid completely messing up your data.

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Understanding SEO Terminology

Have you ever wondered why certain sites show up during a web search? The reason is SEO. SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a digital marketing strategy that can increase the visibility of your website’s pages in a web search on search engines such as Google or Bing. Why does this matter for your website? Sites with better visibility are usually those that are higher ranked on the search engine results page, which means more web traffic. Continue reading

Google Updates Cumulative Layout Shift Scoring

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Many people who visit web pages have experienced unexpected movements where the button shifts itself on a webpage. This is a common problem called cumulative layout shift. For instance, you might be reading a blog post then an ad pops out. This will block you from reading the whole text. For that reason, Google updated cumulative layout shift scoring. Whether you have experience or not, here is everything you need to know about cumulative layout shift scoring.

What is Cumulative Layout Shift?

It is a part of Google core web vitals brought about by a group of layout shift scoring. It causes a shift of web page elements when a page is loading. These elements range from videos to images.

Reasons Why Cumulative Layout Shift Scoring Happens

Being a sudden movement of webpages content layout, there are many reasons why these problems occur. It is mainly caused by elements available on the pages. Such elements include:

Actions that are structured to function when there is an internet connection

The internet contains a lot of actions that are structured to function differently. Some images and adverts may appear when there is an internet connection causing a shift.

  • Wrong use of fonts.

Custom web fonts come in fall back to flash of unstyled text. These safe fonts are suitable for any browser. Both of them cause CLS and might affect elements on your page.

  • Poor Images.

In the process of loading a webpage or watching online photos, poor images might occur. This might contribute to cumulative layout scoring.

  • Advertisement or embeds that lack dimensions.

During page loading, the browser provides space for the ads and embeds. However, this will happen when the adverts have dimensions. Moreover, dynamic ads are easy to install when space is not allocated; other elements will start to move.

How to Fix Cumulative Layout Shift

CLS plays a vital role in identifying unexpected shifting on a page. Additionally, it also measures the number of unwanted movements. A good CLS score is essential because it increases user experience. Moreover, it provides affordable website SEO services, thus determining a good score for the company and user.

What is a Good CLS Score?

With all that in mind, you have understood the need to have an accumulative layout shift and why you need to have a good score. So what is an excellent cumulative score? A cumulative score is the total amount of changes that happen on a page while browsing.

How to Fix Cumulative Layout Shift.

To shift CLS, you need to change elements. All you need is to select helpful web pages. After that, you will notice a positive or negative shifting because of one of the elements. Lastly, it improves on speed to improve experience and performance.

Cumulative layout shift is the sudden movement of web page content layout. It is mainly caused when unstable elements move from their starting points as another element is added by force. CLS help in improving the score for both users and the company. While waiting for the Google updates in June 2021, to increase for the Google updates in June 2021, to increase ranking, consider the facts provided above.

Importance of XML and Image Sitemaps to Google

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As an SEO specialist, one of your main goals is to utilize online tools to help a website communicate better with search engine robots. One of the tools that most SEO experts are using today is XML and image sitemaps. That is because Google and other major search engines support their use.

So what are XML and Image sitemaps?

XML sitemaps are plans of your site that helps guide the search engine robots to crawl or index website pages on the search engine results page. Some of the things you can include in an XML sitemap are SEO-relevant URLs, but there is no guarantee that a particular page will show up on the results page.

An Image sitemap includes the metadata of the images on your website. This information helps Google give users relevant image results related to the user’s search query. You can search for images that you wouldn’t usually find on Google, thanks to image sitemaps.

So are sitemaps important to Google?

Yes- because it gives the search robots a directory with important information about a website. This enables the robots to crawl and index pages more accurately depending on how relevant the website content is to the search query.

Image sitemaps are essential, especially for travel and e-commerce websites, because visitors are more interested in the visuals. Besides that, Google is now showing about 40.7% of images on the results page regardless of the query.

When it comes to optimization, it’s essential for Google to spot your business. SEO experts always pick up any tool that Google rolls out to aid in this plan. So it begs the question;

Are XML and image sitemaps important for SEO?

When looking for affordable SEO packages, you will not find most companies stating that they use sitemaps as an SEO tool. This is because most SEO experts do not use sitemaps as a content optimization tool. Additionally, as mentioned earlier, using sitemaps does not necessarily affect your ranking on the search results page. They only determine whether your website shows up on the results page.

What makes your website rank higher is how relevant your website content is to the question in the search bar. This is not to say that sitemaps are irrelevant for SEO. An expert knows that using sitemaps and other optimization tools effectively will give you a higher ranking. Sitemaps alone cannot help you achieve a higher ranking on the Google results page. However, you can use the tool to boost your SEO efforts, like using keywords and backlinks to increase your online presence.

The catch with using XML and image sitemaps is that they have to be frequently updated. If your website changes, often ensure you make the relevant updates and alert Google to make the necessary changes. Experts recommend that you put several links on your sitemaps to avoid lagging when Google tries to download your website information.

Note that XML and image sitemaps have been there since 2005. They have become more popular now because of their use in SEO services, and Google is using them more now. Remember, they are not an SEO element but can significantly boost your efforts.

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Smart Google SEO Tips

Google is such a household word that sometimes we forget that other search engines even exist. Google has become practically synonymous with the internet and SEO at large, and with constant updates to its search algorithm, it’s hard to keep track of what your business should be doing to increase its ranking factors. Continue reading