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Top 10 Best Practices When Writing PPC Ad Copy

If you want to try generating traffic to your website via Pay Per Click (PPC) ads, there are some key tips you should know. These ads can be extremely profitable for your business, if you do them the right way. A top PPC company in Ventura area will offer these 10 best practices when you are writing your ad copy.

  1. Understand your audience. Online marketing starts here. You have to know, specifically, who you are writing to. Write with your customer in mind instead of writing for yourself.


  1. Talk to your audience. Use words such as “you” or “you’re” to address your audience on an individual manner. This helps you immediately connect with your intended customers.


  1. Create curiosity and pique interest. This is what makes people click to find out more. Make this irresistible. Sometimes this doesn’t include “selling” but writing copy that just incises people to click the ad.


  1. Connect on an emotional level. People take actions based on how things make them feel. Choose words that create a fear of loss or that clearly communicates solving a problem.


  1. Numbers are powerful. This can set your ad apart. Prices or a percentage sale can stand out, especially if you know that your audience is already looking to buy. Keep the numbers simple.


  1. Quality PPC companies let you know that Google allows headlines of 30 characters and ad descriptions of 80 characters. Make the most of this space. That might not seem like a lot, but this will help you focus on the important stuff.


  1. Include your location. If your business services a certain area, be sure to include that in your PPC ad.


  1. Include a call to action. Don’t be shy about telling people what you want them to do. Buy, shop, call, save… just make them actionable.


  1. Focus on what makes you unique. Communicate the thing that makes you stand out.


  1. Try writing and testing a few different ads. This is known as split testing. Different ads have different copy to see which works best.