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Shopify SEO – How To Optimize Your Shopify Site For Google

The success of e-commerce sites has led to a surge in Shopify sites. If you’ve tried your luck at this, too, then you might be wondering how to improve your site. What can you do to get Google to boost your SERPs ranking? How do you increase the visibility of your brand and business? Pick up expert tips on how to make the most out of your store on Shopify.

Understand the Platform


The first thing you need to do is learn as much as you can about Shopify. How does marketing work on this channel? You also need to beef up on your understanding of search engine optimization or SEO. But if you already have your hands full running the business, then you might not have enough time to deal with your site. It would be best to pay for the services of an organic SEO company. With a team of pros to guide you, you’ll know what steps to take.

Fix the Structure of the Shop


The way you organize your content is crucial to the success of your shop. If the user experience isn’t the best, that could be a contributing factor to why your traffic is poor. The key is to make it easier for your customers to find the products they need. If your store has little to no order, then that’s probably compromising your revenue and profit. Hire a digital marketing team that knows how to fix the structure of your shop. That way, your customers won’t have to end up lost in a labyrinth.

Eliminate Frustrating Elements


What are you doing to keep your customers at your shop longer? Seasoned digital marketers know how to identify the frustrating issues with your site. For instance, do you have super-slow loading times? That irritates customers to no end and also one of the reasons why people often leave a shop. Also, take a look at your visuals. Are there too many images? Does the site look cluttered? Is the design streamlined or not? You’ll want to work together with pros to get rid of anything that causes your customers undue frustration. With those problems gone, then they’ll stay longer at your site. The longer they stick around, the more chances that they’ll buy your products.

Offer Collections


Another way to make it easier and faster for customers to find exactly what they’re looking for is to offer Shopify collections. These collections group products together. For instance, you may have sleepwear, sportswear, jeans, skirts, and more. By putting all the similar products together, you cut down on the amount of time it takes for your customers to find them. That makes for a faster and more convenient shopping experience. By offering that kind of shopping experience, customers will be more than happy to shop at your place again.

Research Target Keywords


Make the most out of your pages by using targeted keywords. Hire digital marketers to help you compile a list of these. That way, you can optimize your pages for search much better.