E-A-T in digital marketing means Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. These are all the qualities that excellent sites must-have. If you’ve been wondering how you could increase your page ranking, then improving the E-A-T of your pages is one way to make that happen.
What is E-A-T in SEO?
To fully understand why E-A-T matters in search engine optimization, you’ll need to have a basic idea of what E-A-T is. Basically, it refers to having up-to-date content on your pages. The content must also be factual instead of fabricated. Do you have positive reviews on your pages? That counts too. Your content must be created by experts and must have relevant URLs on other sites. These aren’t new concepts, though. It’s been this way since Google started. What just changes over time are the measures that Google undertakes to keep ensuring that the content on the site is relevant, factual, and accurate.
Why Does It Matter for Local SEO?
Improving the E-A-T of your site will help you improve your local traffic. For instance, with better authoritativeness and trustworthiness, you can get more customers to like your page, interact with your content, and pay for your products or services. That all sounds wonderful. How do you improve E-A-T at the local level, then? If you’re already running SEO campaigns, then this might confuse you. That’s where hiring an expert organic SEO company comes in.
How Do You Improve at the Local Level?
You’ll need to work on your Google My Business Categorization and Services, for one. Is the information on your page accurate and true? Is it updated? Mistakes in your information will make it harder for customers to find you. Pros check that for you instead, build up great content, and also engage with customers who leave reviews. That helps generate more positive reviews of your business, which future customers see. That helps get you more traffic as well. You’ll also need to provide better GMB images. These images will help you get more clicks. So long as the images attached to your Google My Business page are appropriate and aligned with your business, that will help you get more traffic.
Why Hire an SEO Team to Help You?
There are a ton of details that you’ll find yourself attending to. More than fixing your Google My Business page, you’ll also need to make sure all your content on your website and social media pages are aligned with E-A-T principles. If your content is already doing that, then great. But if that isn’t the case, you’ll need to revamp your content and pages. When was the last time you updated your site’s web design? What about the navigational experience of your site? Are your pages mobile friendly? Hiring pros that can help you fix all those issues will help you get the attention of your target market and improve your conversion rates and sales. You could also hire that team to maintain your pages for you, allowing you to concentrate on your core business.