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8 Effective SEO Techniques to Drive Traffic in 2020

Companies love the many benefits of deploying affordable SEO packages – but are you doing the most that you could be to maximize those benefits? Here are some ways to ensure that you’re getting the most out of your SEO efforts – and driving traffic directly to your site.

Content Creation Remains Critically Important

While there are plenty of things you can pay to optimize and tweak, having great content remains one of the best ways to get consumers to your site and keep them there. Focus first on top-quality content creation. Your customers and your bottom line will thank you!

Give Your Website an SEO Overhaul

Want to brush up your website’s SEO performance? Check off these key points:

  • Ensure titles and subheadings are optimized with key terms
  • Make sure every page contains key SEO terms or phrases, including local pages
  • Polish your URL if needed, shortening and removing unnecessary capitals
  • Check for formatting across all pages
  • Ensure that graphics load properly and contain SEO terms in their ALT text
  • Double-check links from other pages to your own and contact owners of high-ranking or important sites that may contain broken links

Enhance User Experience

With better content and a more search engine optimized website, it’s time to ensure that it’s also user-friendly and enjoyable to navigate. You would be surprised by how many people abandon their search of a website due to frustration or confusion once they’re there. Make it a priority to make your website an enjoyable place to be and see the rewards you garner – including higher sales and better consumer satisfaction.

Make Mobile Optimization a Priority

Did you know that around 60% of all searches conducted in 2020 were performed on mobile devices? That means that the majority of your online consumers are visiting your site from their phones or tablets – and you have to be ready for that. To create a site that will drive sales, you must create one that is optimized for mobile use.

Focus on Local SEO

A larger percentage of customers than you likely realize are using your website to research a visit to your storefront or to find goods and services close to them. As such, optimizing your website for local users is a key priority for successful SEO marketing.

Optimize for Voice Search

Just as you should optimize for mobile use and local SEO, you should also focus on the likelihood of voice search by consumers. More and more people are using the voice search feature of their phones, tablets, and other devices, making focusing on it an important part of creating a powerful SEO approach for your business.

Improve Your Portfolio of Backlinks

Links are still a vitally important part of your SEO efforts. When overhauling your site or even just performing regular updates, check all links for accuracy; do they still effectively lead where they’re supposed to? Also don’t be afraid to swap out links for more effective, higher-ranking ones. A solid portfolio of backlinks will help your site rank higher in search results, just as it always has.

Measure and Evaluate Your Performance

Want to see how well the previous points on this list are working for your company? Take the time to accurately and extensively measure performance via reliable metrics and consistent evaluation. Ask consumers for feedback. Take stock of how your business was doing before deploying new techniques and after. All of this will help you find out if your approaches are working or need adjustment – and make better choices moving forward.