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Advanced Link Building Techniques for Future SEO

When creating content for your company’s website, several things will influence your decisions regarding what to include. One of the most crucial features of your site are links, directing visitors to other sites for additional information. Making sure that links are in working order and contain accurate, appropriate information is extremely important. A custom link building service may be a valuable resource for your company in creating the kind of content your customers want to see.

Why are Links Important?

Link quality is the number one influencer for both search engine rankings and the level of trust consumers put in your content. Sourcing your linked content from reputable sites is one way of increasing and ensuring link quality. Some examples of high-quality site types include:

  • .org
  • .edu
  • .gov

These types of sites are typically non-profit and contain reliable information. SEO professionals agree that seeing these sites referenced on yours will build faith in your brand.

Building Solid Links

This is not to say that .com and .net sites cannot be of use to you in creating great links. The trick to link building is finding authoritative sources, and building up from there. Some tips for increasing the quality of your links are as follows:

  • Broken/malfunctioning link repair. (This includes updating outdated links.) Consider contacting the webmaster of the site linked to in the broken link to ask them to update or fix their link, so you can continue using it, if it benefits you to do so.
  • The Skyscraper technique, which involves finding links similar to the content that you’d like to create, and ensuring that yours is better and more up-to-date.
  • Finding sources for natural guest blogging content.
  • Use services like SEMrush to create great links that compete well in the day’s marketplace.
  • Contact others who mention your brand or company on their site and ask them to turn this mention into a backlink.
  • Include links on all of your products, if applicable. This is especially important if you are producing digital media of any kind.

Lastly, create great content. This may seem obvious, but it really is the ultimate deciding factor on whether you will see traffic online or not. By making content that your competitors don’t have – with the help of a custom link building service, if necessary – you’ll give visitors real reason to come to your site, and reason to return again and again!