Everyone knows how important it is to have your content building efforts integrated within your SEO strategy. Here are a few tips to make sure yours is on the right track:
Work Together Early
Sharing the same sandbox means both teams need to work together early on, says Search Engine Land. Teams work well together when employees work with people they trust. Encourage camaraderie to build on that trust. That should give your team a solid foundation for teamwork.
Be Familiar with SEO and Content
Content teams should have an understanding and knowledge of your SEO goals while SEO teams should keep access and relatability into account, says Search Engine Watch. That means coming up with keywords that make sense for both search and social. A good SEO team will know how important it is to make sure your keywords will be great for both search engines and online readers.
Say Why It’s Bad
A good tip is for both sides to explain why something doesn’t work, instead of simply saying ‘it’s a bad lead’ and dismissing a piece of content or SEO strategy. This can help both sides improve on results, the Content Marketing Institute says.
Hire a 2-in-1 Team
If you’ve got a lean organization and need to hire a different team for content and another one for search engine optimization services. If you’re just starting out and trying to build a business from the ground up, checking out affordable SEO Packages can be a lifesaver. This way, you get what you need in one go: two birds, one stone.
Use Smart SEO
Smart SEO simply means being better at finding the right keywords, tracking consumer paths across your pages—where they went, what they did, where they stayed the longest—and using analytics data among other things. With Smart SEO, content teams have data that’s much more accurate, providing better insight into their target market. This is key in developing content that’s uniquely suited to their audience. Browse through companies that offer affordable SEO Packages and see how this can make a massive difference in the way you talk to and connect with your clients.