When you click on an ad or Google listing, usually you should be able to pinpoint what their website is selling almost immediately. The home page you land on should make it obvious, however, some products and services are not that clear-cut and need a bit more explanation. It’s essential not to leave your visitors or the search engine wondering what you are selling, because if Google can’t quickly find the answer that a potential client is looking for, they will feature your competitor instead. Not because they have a better product, but because they happen to have the answer to that specific question on their website.
The best way to ensure that Google shows your site is to create a frequently asked question page. This page is easy to create and provides your customers and the search engines with all of the answers they are looking for in regard to your service or product.
Since 75% of online customers expect to fine what they need within five minutes, a FAQs page will not only help search engines find you but will also decrease the load of your customer service team. Just think if your page is well thought out with answers to the most common questions, there is no need for most customers to reach out to you directly. The page may even encourage the consumer to buy your product right then and there, since they don’t have to wait on your reply.
This page will also build trust between you and the consumer. Make sure to cover your return policies, shipping process, and anything else that gives you the appearance of transparency. If internet users trust your brand then Google will too! Not to mention that adding an additional page to your website will give you more opportunities to add internal linking to your other pages or blog posts.
We don’t recommend going with the basic “catch-all” questions, rather a strategic list of very specific questions that you know your target market is asking. Here is how to start:
Strategic Questions & Answers
Before creating your new page, it’s crucial to raise the right questions to educate your online customers about your service or product and generate demand. It takes thorough and continuous question research, a lot of planning, and a little strategic work.
Start by planning a meeting with your customer service team and see what questions they get asked on a daily basis. If they are starting to see a pattern in the question’s that users are asking, it is a good idea to add those items to your FAQs page. Keyword research is another great way to find out what people are searching for. Some great keyword research tools include:
- Google Search Console
- Moz Keyword Explorer
- Soovle
- Jaaxy
Check out your competitors’ FAQ pages and product reviews for items in your niche. The most important thing to note from this research is what questions they aren’t answering. Adding additional information that your competitors lack is a great advantage in the SEO world.
Visuals and Clear Answers
A good rule of thumb is to write short answers to each question, two or three paragraphs is considered standard. If you add more than that the page will look long and cluttered. If you need to say more, you can always hyperlink to an article or video.
Don’t limit your answers to text, think about adding some visually appealing aspects to your page, too. Infographics and explanatory videos are great ways to explain your product or service. Creating a video to answer most of your questions will not only visually answer questions but have the added bonus of giving you the chance to be seen on YouTube.
It’s important to note that this page is not the place to write marketing jargon. It should be easy to read, clearly answer the questions, and cover the whole issue. Choose facts over a marketing spiel, but do think about how you’re portraying your company’s values in each answer and make sure those come across accordingly.
Write from the perspective of your customer, using first-person pronouns like I and my. This can help them connect with your brand and feel as though their questions and concerns are truly heard by you.
Cover Content From Other Pages
Even if you’ve explained your services or products on other pages within your site you can still benefit from a FAQ page. Just because you covered the same information somewhere else doesn’t mean that the user has gone through every page on your website to find it. More than 60% of consumers say that their go-to channel for simple inquiries is a self-serve Q&A page. Millennials and Gen-Z users seek quick and easy answers as opposed to doing detailed research on each and every company that they consider using.
Think of your FAQs page as a chance to expand on helpful content that your site already addresses!
Measure the Success of Your Page
Now that you have a FAQs page it is time to sit back and wait. The only way to find out if you optimized your new page well is to track its performance. Use a tool like Google Data Studio or Stat Counter to see how many views your page is getting and how long users spend there.
If your customer service team continues to receive the same questions that you highlighted on your FAQs page, then maybe the page is not as user friendly as you thought. Try switching up the layout of your page or the order of the questions you have included. Once you are certain that your page is easy to read reevaluate the copy to make sure your answers are clear.
FAQ pages are not the only type of webpage that is helpful to users. Long-form, topic-specific content is also helpful for your audience and will increase your search ranking.
Do you need assistance optimizing your webpages? Get in contact with us today. SeoTuners can offer an affordable solution for your business to increase exposure and SERP rankings with organic SEO strategies like keywords. We’re confident we have a solution for all your marketing needs.