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Is Your Website’s Design SEO-Friendly?

Having a website in this day and age is a must, but you can’t just put up any old page on the internet and call it a day. You have got to put in the legwork necessary to create a truly beautiful and unique site design. You also need to make sure that it is optimized in order to take as much advantage of SEO as possible, too. But how can you know if your website is SEO-friendly? In this article, we will give you a few questions you can ask yourself.


Do you have a lot of indexable content?

If you have any important content that you want search engines to detect, then you should format them in HTML. Unfortunately, search engine crawlers tend to ignore most other types of content, such as applets or graphics. While it can take some extra time and effort, it pays off to add some alt text for any images that you have on your site. You can also add some text to any page that contains an applet so that the crawler has something to get. If you provide audio and video files, then you can greatly benefit from adding individual transcripts for each one.


Do you have crawlable link structures?

Check your site to see if you have any orphaned pages floating around. That means hunting down any and all pages that aren’t linked in any way on your main page. This is because search engines start off by crawling your home page, then making their way through the different links in order to discover the other pages you have. If there are no links leading to some of your other pages, then the crawler has no way of detecting that they even exist. A great way to solve this is by creating a sitemap, as suggested by BusinessInsider.


Do you use your keywords wisely?

Keywords are absolutely vital to any SEO-friendly website, so make sure you’ve been using them correctly. According to CIO, some of the best places to put them include:

  • At least once in the title tag
  • Once at the top of the page
  • Two to three times within the main body of the text
  • At least once in the URL
  • At least once in the meta description

Make sure that you make the keyword appear naturally, though. Search engines are optimized to detect keyword abuse. That’s why it’s important to provide high-quality, meaningful content for your audiences, according to Forbes. Otherwise, you’re just spamming in the search engines’ eyes.


Should you want to implement all of these changes but just don’t have the time to finish them, then you may want to try hiring an SEO company to do all the work for you. You can find a lot of affordable seo packages if you know where to look online. Just make sure that you do not settle for just any company. If you do, your site may end up worse off than when you started it on your own. Good luck!