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What Are The Major SEO Steps For A Website Relaunch?

Relaunching a website after a temporary absence or restructuring carries vastly different SEO needs than launching a new website. It means that all of your previous SEO will be affected, and may have to be thrown out and started again from scratch. Search Engine Journal found that some companies lost 60 to 70 percent of their search traffic after a redesign, numbers which are difficult and expensive to build up again. This is why for this purpose, it is especially important to find the right Los Angeles and Ventura internet marketing company who can bring in new visitors and redirect your existing visitors. These are the steps that they will use, which you can begin making yourself before your campaign even starts:

  1. Audit the Old Site

It may seem strange to look over your old website with a fine toothcomb, but it is an important part of making your new website successful. Look into what parts brought in high traffic and which ones didn’t. Are there any areas that could be improved in your new site? Your Los Angeles and Ventura internet marketing company can use this data to make your new site even better than the previous one.


  1. Inbound Link Analysis

A useful job your SEO firm can perform is an inbound link analysis. Inbound links are an especially important part of SEO that you want to avoid losing if you can so it is best to know which sites are still linking to your site.


  1. Think SEO

Moz says that the reason many websites fail after a redesign is that the creators didn’t put SEO into consideration when designing and building it. If you already have content that is bringing in high numbers of visitors, copy it over to your new site. Don’t forget to redirect all of the old URL’s so that search engines will know where your content has moved to. Redirecting your SEO is much better than starting it all over again.



Using these steps will ensure that your SEO and website traffic remain stable and you can gain strong numbers from day one of your relaunch rather than losing out on the visitors you worked so hard to gain.