Recovering from a Google Penguin penalty is possible. But it’s not going to happen overnight. Recent changes now mean that Penguin is an active part of the search engine’s core algorithm. That means you’re not getting manual penalties anymore. All those penalties are a result of algorithmic changes. Understanding that will help you take the proper steps on how to deal with the problem.
Educate Yourself
Read up on the changes. Find out more about the new algorithm changes. Check in with pros. Knowing what’s happening and the extent of the problem will help you think of a better idea of how to counteract the effects.
Assess Your Profile
Review the backlinks on your profile. Do you have any links from low-quality sources? If you have links from sources that have little or nothing to do with your industry, you’ll likely be hit with a Google penalty.
Get Rid of the Links
Clean up those links. Go over your pages and track down all the problematic links. Remove them from your site. However, since you can’t remove links from other sites that link back to you, disavowing those sites will work.
Audit Your Content
Good content isn’t going to get you penalized. But if your content relies on keyword stuffing to manipulate the site’s relevancy to your market, that’s going to get you in trouble. Prevent a Google penalty by overhauling your content. Hire an SEO agency that offers marketing services to help you.
Get Professional Help
If you have your hands full running a business, getting professional help saves you a lot of time and trouble. When you hire an SEO agency to help you fix the problem, you can count on experts to provide a stress-free penguin recovery service. Instead of worrying about your pages, you can concentrate on running your business while you leave pros to do the work.
Develop Better Habits
Hiring help works. And while pros are capable of helping your pages recover until they rank again, that’s not the end of the problem. If you don’t develop better habits, you’ll find yourself getting penalized over and over. If you don’t want to get your entire site penalized, it’s time to start learning and apply better habits.
Look for Maintenance Plans
The rules of digital online marketing keep changing. It’s hard to keep up with all the changes, though, especially if you’re busy overseeing a business. That’s where SEO companies come in. When you hire an agency to maintain your pages, you get to stay compliant with Google’s rules, avoid penalties—and the hassle as well as stress of dealing with them—and stay updated with fresh content regularly. Whether it’s to attract clients to your new site or prevent your pages from being hit with a penalty, an SEO agency helps you with your rankings.
Be Patient
If you’ve hired help, but you haven’t seen any changes, be patient. The issue is often resolved when Google recrawls a newly-fixed site. Focus on improving your site and services instead. Your efforts will pay off in the long run.