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How Do You Recover Your Website After Being Hit By Google Penguin?

When a site has a dip in expected traffic, it can be a warning of a more extensive issue. Google, the biggest search engine, deploys multiple algorithms that index and parse web pages and promote those that conform to Google standards. Unfortunately, in their zeal to knock spammers off the front page of search engine results, algorithm Penguin can deal a mighty blow to websites that are unaware of the new standards or may have had less than stellar and aboveboard web design and SEO practices. When this happens, your site can disappear from search engine results and lead potential customers and clients to other businesses.

Penguin is not new. The Penguin update debuted in April 2012, with the stated intention to reduce sites spamming Google search results and rendering them meaningless. Some of the sites used black hat SEO to draw in searchers and infect their computers with malware. Unfortunately, when a new Penguin update comes out new sites may erroneously wind up on the business end of the banhammer. Recovering from being Penguined means bringing the penalized website into compliance with Google Webmaster guidelines. Those affected may need a Penguin recovery service that they can turn to for diagnostics, fixes, and recovery.


How to Find Out if Your Site has Been Penguined

First, you should understand that Google does not see penalizing as punishment. Instead, Google views these penalties as a way to cultivate organic traffic to relevant websites. Typically this means removing useless links, or links to low-quality or questionable sites. If you have backlinks from these sites to yours, you will need to disavow them and work with an experienced Penguin recovery service. Working with professionals will not just clean up your keywords and links, but may result in an overhaul of your website’s HTML code and an upgrade to security from HTTP to HTTPS. The first step to take is to use online tools to ascertain whether or not your site has been penalized, or to match dips in traffic to Penguin updates.


Going Pro


Remember that the stupidest question is the question that is never asked. If you are able to deal with a Penguin penalty on your own, and bring your search results and traffic back up to spec, that’s terrific! Unfortunately, not many people have the time or energy to devote to the study of SEO or the ability to carry out the dozens of different tasks required. In this case, an experienced Penguin recovery service should be retained without hesitation.