Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Maximize Local SEO
What is Local SEO?
Local Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a proven practice of online marketing that promotes local businesses and their corresponding services to their local communities. Simply put, it will help your business appear front and center when your customers search Google and other search engines for your services.
Let’s pretend that it’s your wedding anniversary and… you forgot all about it. Before she finds out that you did, you try to come up with a contingency plan—fast. You decide to buy her flowers.
You turn to your trusty smartphone and Google “florist near me”. In a flash, Google serves up a list of local florists including their shops’ addresses, phone numbers, and past-customer reviews. You’d naturally save yourself the trouble of combing through all the results and you click on the top one result.
Now let’s flip the coin and imagine that you just opened a flower shop in Chicago. You recognize that you are up against tough competition and you want to break through the wall of oblivion in the realm of the search engines. What would you do?
If you’re serious about promoting your business, you’d find ways to implement local SEO tactics to reach your potential customers. According to Google, four out of five consumers want search results to be customized to their local communities. Knowing this, let’s dive deep and explore the many benefits of utilizing Local SEO.
Top 5 Benefits of Local SEO:
The good news is, there are tons of local SEO tools you can find online that won’t cost you a single dime. These tools come in handy not only when you’d need to quantify, track, and evaluate your local SEO efforts, but also to implement the tactics as well.
- Reach every customer!
You’d probably agree that the new yellow pages is Local SEO. While customers are on the go, they use their tablets and mobile phones to locate the best local businesses that would give them what they want, when they want it.
- Increased Website Traffic!
Targeted high-quality website traffic is always to your advantage. If your business website is optimized for Local SEO, then potential customers would easily be able to find you in Google.
- Converts searches to purchases!
According to Go-Globe, 78% of local-mobile searches result in offline purchases! The “consumer’s intent” to get search engine results with local businesses is what sets Local SEO apart from other SEO methods. If you’re able to show when your customers are actively searching, you have a much higher chance of converting these leads into actual purchases.
- It’s easy as pie!
There are simple and practical methods that you can easily do to maximize your Local SEO efforts. Accurate and relevant business information across all online platforms and the use of interactive maps are just two methods that would dramatically improve your business’ local search results.
Boost Your Business Using Local SEO!
By now, you’d agree that leveraging locality for optimization is a critical factor in building a stronger digital presence. Today is a great day to crush your competitors and conquer the modern online marketplace!
Let SEO Tuners help you reach this goal! We offer affordable and customized online marketing services that will yield the highest ROI for your business. Expect nothing but the best.
Focus on your business and leave your website promotion problems to our team of experts! Call (877) 736-1112 for a free SEO Consultation to learn how Local SEO can benefit you!