It is noteworthy to remember that link builders occasionally identify promising sites only by paying attention to the metrics side of their analysis instead of the value that could be derived by investing in targeted, custom link building services. Usability and trust within the world of link building have become the two most valuable factors and cornerstones of effective SEO strategies that you should seriously consider.
Is the Link Truly Clickable?
Even though you might be interested in hyperlinking a vast number of phrases and words within your content with relevant links, the concept of usability must weigh heavy in your decision-making process. You should seriously consider whether or not you (as a consumer) would actually take the time to click that embedded link in the first place.
Does it add value to the conversation supported by your content? Is it compelling enough to convince your reader to access it and expand on the knowledge that they have received from your content? Instead of rushing to add links to your content, make sure that you seriously consider whether or not those links are usable to the average customer. Rest assured in knowing that if you wouldn’t bother clicking the link, then chances are your customers will not bother to click that link either.
What Exactly Should You Test?
When it comes to checking and testing the quality and efficiency of your link building practices, make sure that you take the time to conduct an initial check of each website and embedded link. You could easily look at the page authority and domain report or other key performance metrics and indicators that may attract (or repel) your curiosity.
However, the key is to make sure that you are conducting some sort of high-quality test and confirmation before you allow those websites and links to bank their online presence on you. The last thing that you want is for your own progress, ranking and performance within Google to be jeopardizing by the penalizing habits and bad practices of less trustworthy websites.