Tag Archives: Affordable SEO

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How Social Media and SEO Work and Progress Together

Social media and SEO work hand in hand through ways that the average social media user may not always see at first glance. Social media ultimately helps businesses, companies, and individuals maximize their SEO and grow their business through a multitude of ways. Below, we’ll delve into the different ways that Social Media and SEO work together to improve the digital presence of a company and of its business as a whole:

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Hackers: A Threat to Your Websites SEO

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If your website is hacked, chances are you’ll be affected by it in a multitude of negative, annoying, and even horribly frustrating ways. What a hacker does once they’ve broken into your website can be very malicious and cause damages to aspects of your business and website as a  whole. One of the main components of websites and marketing that an intrusion by an unauthorized source (a hacker) can cause is damages to your SEO. Hackers can damage your SEO in these ways:

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How SEO and Search Trends are Impacted by COVID-19

COVID-19 will undoubtedly have long-term impacts on the economy and global market as a whole, with its effects possibly spanning far into the future. Unfortunately, some businesses may never recover from the detriment it has caused. When hopefully, in the coming months, businesses begin to reopen and we attempt to return to a normalized state, one has to wonder what that state will look like in the aftermath of COVID.

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Wooing Google Online Through Reviews

When you think about it, creating a website is much like dating online – you create a public profile in the hopes of meeting potential mates, or in this case, potential customers. When you put yourself out there, other people now have the opportunity to weigh in with their opinions – and what they say online can have a far-reaching impact on your reputation.

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Using Backlinks To Your Advantage

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Everyone is trying to make a website that is search engine friendly in order to rank higher. It’s a no-brainer that people get in the SEO game since it’s still the number one way for a business to be seen. However, if you want to rank higher, you have to play by the search engine’s rules.

The more links you have coming into your site, the more people refer to you for something you’re good at. Your number of links is how Google can see how valuable your site is to searchers. The truth of the matter is that even if you have a lot of amazing content if you aren’t being linked by other people, search engines won’t acknowledge your site as valuable.

A backlink is a reference from another web page to your own web page. This is very different from the “outbound” or outgoing links from your page. Do not confuse the two. A backlink is also called an inbound link (IBL) and these links are very important in determining the popularity (or importance) of your web site for search engines.

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It is better to have fewer high-quality links, than thousands of links that bring no value to your backlink profile. Weak or risky backlinks won’t help your rankings at all. It can even hurt you as these links can get you a Google penalty!

Because not all links are created equal, you need to be very careful when you start a link building campaign. Build links for your business, for your customers, make them relevant and associate them with great content. Your users will be happy, and Google will keep you in the search results causing your business to grow.

Here are some guidelines to keeping your backlinks beneficial:

Make Sure The Link Comes From An Authoritative Site

Search engines want to see links that come from high-quality sites that are associated with the outbound link given. Therefore, if you have a link from a completely unrelated site, it won’t be as valuable as a link from a related site.

For example, if you are a flooring business and you are getting links from an internet forum about baked goods, something would seem off to the search engine. And rightly so! Why would a forum discussing the types of cupcakes available want to link to your flooring company? It doesn’t make sense to users and it won’t make sense to the search engines either.

Make Sure The Anchor Text Is Specific

The anchor text for your backlinks is extremely important. Hyperlinking to a page with clear, specific anchor text is a big win for both the user and search engines. Constantly throwing sites the same anchor text will not help you. Google wants to see organic links being built and any attempt to trick the search engines will be frowned upon and isn’t worth the risk.

Make Sure They Are Relevant To On-Page Content

Backlinks aren’t just there for no reason; they serve as an SEO metric and they should enhance a reader’s experience. Backlinks need to be relevant to the content they’re in and actually provide supplemental information. Think of it from the reader’s perspective—backlinks won’t add any value if they’re bringing readers to completely unrelated sites.

Google aims to provide users with helpful, relevant content that answers queries. Unrelated and distracting backlinks get in the way of that. Google considers relevant backlinks to be much more valuable than a backlink from a random, unrelated site. A dermatology clinic site that links to a used car Q&A forum would probably send a red flag to Google (and also confuse readers browsing the site).

Make Sure They Don’t Come From One Site

Having a variety of sites that link to your site is a productive goal. If a site has a lot of backlinks, but they all of them come from one site, this will look spammy to Google.

You should actively strategize to build strong backlinks from a range of relevant sites.

However, Google has no problem with websites linking to each other for legitimate reasons. It is a natural occurrence on the web if a news story on the BBC cites an article on CNN, then a few weeks later CNN cites a story from the BBC.

This is technically a reciprocal link, but should Google penalize for it? No, because there are genuine reasons for these websites to link to each other and they are doing it in a natural way that is good for users.

Make Sure You Are Selective About Hidden Or Paid Links

A hidden backlink is exactly what it sounds like; it is invisible to a user and the search engine. Sounds sketchy, right? It is. A backlink that is hidden—whether by manipulating text and background colors or hiding the link in a punctuation mark—is a “black hat” SEO strategy that clearly defies Google’s best practices.

Paid backlinks are a grey area in the SEO world because certain methods of paid links are viewed as legitimate, while some aren’t. If a link has been paid for that doesn’t automatically mean it’s bad. Since this a grey area, you should be picky with paid methods. If the site’s content is related to your industry, you won’t be penalized for paying for ad space. Paid directory business listings are also fine, as long as they’re reputable.

The best directories are the ones that also provide useful information for your customers. The directories that provide no real value to the internet user are to be avoided.

Make Sure Your Backlinks Are Not Spammy

Spammy backlink tactics can cause real harm to your domain. The longer you allow the spammy techniques to continue, the more work you will have to get those spammy links removed. If you notice that your current SEO service is building spammy backlinks, you should notify them immediately and discontinue service. These tactics will harm your rankings!

Spammy backlinks lnclude:

  • Article Marketing Spam
  • Poorly Executed Guest Blogs
  • Single-Post Blogs
  • (Paid) Site-Wide Links
  • Linkbait and Switch

If you’re interested in improving your website’s search traffic, get in touch with us today. SeoTuners can offer an affordable solution for your business to increase exposure and SERP rankings with organic SEO strategies like keywords. we’re confident we have a solution for all your marketing needs.












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Building a Business with SEO

We live in a digital age, where technology is depended on by the majority of consumers. When searching for a local business or restaurant that is close by, usually your first instinct is to google it. This is a similar thought for most people who own a smart phone or computer these days. A whopping 90% of consumers have used the internet to find a local businesses within the last year, with 33% looking every day.

People are adapting to the advances in search technology, meaning your business need to as well. If you want a crystal-clear example of purchase intent: “near me” mobile searches that contain a variant of “can I buy” or “to buy” have grown over 500% over the last two years. These include things like “where can I buy stamps near me,” “places to buy shoes near me,” or “where to buy used clothing near me.”

“Near me” is no longer just about finding a specific place. It’s now about finding a specific thing, in a specific area, during a specific period of time. This chart gives a visual depiction of the expanse of “near me” searches in the last two years:

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These advances propose similar questions to search engine optimization: SEO will improve a website’s overall searchability and visibility, but what other real value does it offer your business? Why is SEO so important?

Organic Searches are Essential

It’s no secret in the digital world that if you’re not on Page 1 of the search engine, you’re likely not killing the organic search game.

Organic searches are most often the primary source of website traffic, as well as a critical factor within the buyer funnel, which usually ends in a sale. However, many consumers do not search through loads of pages on Google before finding a website or service that suits them. Investing in the process of a higher ranking on Google is an essential step for any business owner.

While Google is the most visited website in the world, they also own YouTube which is the second largest search engine. Google is a large entity that owns over 90% of the search market, leaving competitors in the dust.

Making sure your website is visible on Google is essential to driving organic traffic and ultimately attracting business and closing sales. Quality SEO and a high-quality website can take your brand there.

Customer Trust Grows With SEO

The goal of your SEO team is to establish a strong foundation, have a beautiful website that is easy to navigate, and make sure your page is easily discoverable in searches. The truth is that the higher your business appears in a search engine; the more likely users will believe your business is trustworthy. Building trust and an online authority is not easy and surely doesn’t happen overnight.

Many factors go into establishing a strong authority on Google. Having strong authority is accrued over time and is an element of:

• Quality Backlinks
• Positive User Behavior
• Optimized On-Page Elements and Content
• Machine-Learning Signals

Establishing authority for your brand takes patience, effort, and commitment, but is worth it. Customers trust a brand that has a strong online presence and is recommended by other web pages.

Google has something called the Trust Factor, which is a combination of many factors that calculate how trustful a site is. The more trustful a site is, the more likely its articles will be ranked higher on Google. A website is considered to be less trustful if it has harmful and/or has low-quality content.

The Buying Cycle is Affected

SEO affects the buying cycle of a customer online or in-store. Customers have the resources and knowledge to conduct research before choosing a product or service.

Using SEO tactics to get your deals, products, and services out there can be a game-changer. It is important to show the consumer the importance and dependability of what you have to offer them. In order to show the consumer what you need, your product or service requires visibility.

You must be visible in the places where people go to search for a connection to be made. Local SEO enhances visibility for potential customers and helps them find the businesses that have the answers. If your website or business is not visible to the consumer, odds are they will not be contacting you or buying your product.

Bypass the Competition

SEO can help your business or website soar above the competition. Especially if your competition is not implementing SEO at all.

For example, take two businesses that are in the same industry which sell similar products, at nearly identical prices. One of them has an optimized website while the other has a non-optimized website. Considering everything is else is equal, which company do you think will attract more customers to their website from local searches? Which company will likely grow faster and become more successful?

Search engines and SEO are very powerful. If your competitors are doing SEO marketing, simply you must ask yourself why you haven’t invested in such a strategy yet as well. Odds are a consumer will go with a company that they can easily find and has reputable reviews and backlinks.

SEO is Relatively Cheap

SEO does cost money. However, all the best things usually do, right?

In the grand scheme of things, SEO is relatively cheap, and the payoff will most likely be considerable in terms of a brand’s benefit and bottom line.

It is not a marketing cost; SEO is a true business investment. Good SEO implementation will hold its ground for years to come. And, like most things will only get better with the more attention and investment it receives.

If you have questions or concerns about any of Google’s algorithm updates or are interested in improving your website’s search traffic, get in touch with us today. SeoTuners can offer an affordable solution for your business to increase exposure and SERP rankings with organic SEO strategies like keywords. We’re confident we have a solution for all your marketing needs.

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The Most Important Google Stats and Facts to Know For SEO

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The internet is an essential part of today’s society and can make or break a business. Knowing Google’s importance in relation to search engine optimization creates a foundation for why we seek to optimize search results in the first place. This list is a culmination of google facts and statistics that relate directly to SEO:

Google Now Processes Over 6,586,013,574 Search Queries a Day Worldwide

With that amount of search queries daily, it’s no wonder that search engine optimization through google should be a main focus for anyone looking to optimize. Optimizing key word phrases allows your search queries to reach a target audience. With over 6.5 billion queries a day, it’s important to make sure that you keep that Google statistic in mind.

15% of Daily Google Search Queries Have Never Been Searched Before

This statistic is relevant to keyword phrases. Many of the keywords used in specific searches have never been used before which proposes an apparent importance on innovation when it comes the choosing keyword phrases. This statistic also puts an importance on anticipating keywords for search queries and thinking outside the box when it comes to creating keyword search phrases.

Google Makes Up 32.4% of Total Mobile Ad Expenditure

SEO specialists know this statistic because this number will most likely continue to grow. This means that if your SEO is on the basis of optimizing a business venture, keeping in mind that Google is a primary source of business is important.

97% of Google Revenue is From Advertising

The language of marketing is important, especially in regard to advertising through google. Google makes most of their revenue from advertising, meaning that buying ad space through Google and optimizing your word choice through ads is important for individuals looking for better SEO.

YouTube Was Acquired by Google in 2006 and Has 1.8 Billion Active Monthly Users

Anyone looking to for the best SEO should always keep YouTube in mind. YouTube is yet another hand of Google that extends into the SEO world. Google prioritizes video content because of their ownership of YouTube.

YouTube has 500 million Mobile Views Per Day

Again, keeping YouTube searches in mind for SEO it’s always important. With 500 million mobile views a day, extending search engine optimization through YouTube is important.

Google Takes Over 200 Factors Into Account Before Delivering the Best Result to Any Query in a Fraction of a Second

This reestablishes the importance of exact keyword phrasing. When keywords are being accounted for in a fraction of a second, knowing any and all exact keywords for a desired product, service, or search is important. SEO specialists understand this importance and are able to design maximized key word phrases.

There Are Over 2 billion Active Monthly Android Users

SEO for Android devices is as relevant as any other device, as the amount of Android users is on the rise globally.

Google Knows More Than 100 Languages

Optimizing through multiple languages may allow for better SEO results, although Google already translates searches through software.

Google Doesn’t Apply Any Grammatical Rules

Optimizing keyword searches may be increased if common grammatical errors are taken into account.

69% of US Google Users Rely on Google’s Services and Products on a Daily Basis

Daily updates to SEO are important since the amount of daily Google users is at large and on the rise in the US alone.

There are More Than 100 Researchers at Google Working on Machine Intelligence Applications

Intelligence applications will allow for a greater expanse of SEO optimization. Knowing new intelligence applications will keep you ahead of the game when it comes to SEO.

Google has 90.46% of the Search Engine Market Share Worldwide

Optimizing SEO efforts with Google as a sole proprietor is important, however, it is also important to recognize secondary search engines as well.

Google Receives Over 63,000 Searches Per Second Daily

With this amount of searches, SEO efforts must be maximized to meet demands. If a target audience is to be reached, maximizing your SEO efforts in respect to Google statistics such at this will help you meet your goals.

An Average Person Conducts 3-4 searches Every Single Day

If you take into account that the current world population is roughly 8 billion, and the understanding that almost half the population has access to the internet, this statistic proves the importance of optimizing SEO efforts.

Why These Facts are Important

These facts and statistics are undeniably important to understand for anyone looking to become an SEO specialist, learn about SEO in general, or find outsourced skilled SEO professionals. Knowing the volume and frequency of google searches creates a better understanding of the importance of SEO, and more specific keyword phrases. With the knowledge of the vastness of the population that use Google daily, the relevance of optimization is further developed.

With these statistics and facts in mind, a greater understanding of the importance of search engine optimization is created. Google Analytics, one of the most primary tools for SEO specialists today, is based off of the previous information provided. Taking that into account, knowing these facts and statistics provides a greater understanding and appreciation for Google when it comes to search engine optimization.

Moving Forward

When looking to optimize search engine efforts, keeping in mind the ever-growing statistics that Google generates will allow you to be a better SEO specialist or outsource better SEO specialists. Throughout 2019, advertising and publishing through an online platform has become one of the most prominent forms of display of information for the general public.

If you think you may be looking to outsource for your SEO needs, our specialists at SEOTuners can help you. Our skilled professionals are available to meet all of your SEO needs with a primary focus being the success of your presence in the market. We provide personalized attention through individualized analysis, a creative and innovative approach to every web design project, as well as improvement to your social attention and impact. Get in contact with us today!

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Drawing Traffic in the Wake of the Recent Core Update

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Google’s September core algorithm update has officially finished rolling out, and with any core update, search results, click-through rates, and traffic may change—sometimes drastically and unpredictably.

According to Search Engine Land’s review of SEO toolsets and data, this past update was not as impactful as the June core update, but it did seem to have a notable effect on the Your Money – Your Life (YMWL) category. It also appears to have most heavily affected the medical, media, and travel industries, according to Sistrix.com.

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